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Diversity isn't just a social issue, it's a biblical one. Jesus asked his disciples to reach out to all nations and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). Also, Jesus envisioned his disciples being in the multi-ethnic church (John 17:20-23) so that the world will know God’s love and believe.


The Holy Spirit can overcome all obstacles, and break down all barriers. The Holy Spirit is the author of life and saving acts (Psalm 74:12) throughout the earth.


Mission is not an option for a specific group of people or individuals. It is our life in God. We are sent to someone in need and at the same time, we should allow strangers to come into our life in God’s kingdom. Saying of “willing to give and willing to receive” is our missional mind. Our missional life is driven to glorify God, loving our neighbors God brought.

Glocal but Christ-Centered

God’s kingdom expands to every person, every domain of knowledge and life, and every bit of information. Through networking of people and various practices in following Jesus, we learn about each other and adapt to new wisdoms instead of culturing tolerance. All of us gather to follow the pattern of faith Jesus demonstrated. We are glocal, but we are one Christ-centered heart. As the body of Christ, Heaven City is a Christ-centered living community, who puts God’s kingdom first.

Spiritual Discernment

As the head and body are inseparable, the church leadership and whole body are inseparable too. In terms of discerning the directions for the church body to do, the congregational spiritual discernment is foundational. The leadership in the church structure is not the head of the church but a part of the Christ body. Jesus is head of the body. In order to establish the Lordship rather than the leadership, whole congregational discernment in Spirit is foundational.


Helping people is serving God. Judging people is not our responsibility. Our mission is to let people know of God’s presence before them. Jesus told this to his disciples, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, 36 lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me" (Matthew 25:35-36 NJB). In addition, he mentioned this too, “If you know me, you will know my Father too. From this moment you know him and have seen him” (John 14:7 NJB). We do not follow the way of Jesus because He is the king of kings or a genie in a magic lamp, but because he demonstrated God’s love, by putting his trust on God.

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